Fireball FAQs

Everything you need to know about Fireball.

How do I access the reports?


You login using Microsoft PowerBI, which can be used on desktops and mobile devices​.

Can I login from anywhere?


Reports are all cloud-based so you can access them from anywhere including on a ski slope!

Will it work over data as well as WiFi?


Yes, reports are all cloud-based so you can access if you have a phone signal or WiFi.

If the data is in Pinnacle, why do I need to use Fireball Reporting?


Data is in Pinnacle displaying it how you want to see it is the key – we turn your data into information so you can use to manage your business

Are the reports customisable?


The report can be created however you wish and amended as often as you like. We can also set up drop-down menus so you can view the data as you require in a few clicks

How do I set up favourite reports?


You can have the favorite report on a dashboard so it is readily accessible or you can have them emailed to you and your managers on a set schedule.

How far back can the data go?


It all depends on what you agree with Pinnacle and the data connection you set up, but we can use as much data as you want.

Can I get the data out of Fireball Reporting?


Yes of course. You can export the data to excel, into a PDF or power point so you can email or distribute simple hard coded data.